Dress Code
- Standardized Dress Code
- Código de vestimenta estandarizada
Rationale: To maintain focus on the Cy-Fair District goals and objectives:
- to increase academic achievement, thus reducing the achievement gap
- to provide a safer learning environment
- to develop increased decision-making and problem-solving skills
- to develop increased self-esteem
ALC High School – Solid White
ALC Middle School – Solid Navy
- Shirts must be collared, polo-type or button-down, without decoration (i.e. emblems, logos, accent colors)
- Undergarments/Undershirt should not be visible through the uniform
- Only one solid white, grey, or black undershirt/camisole may be worn under the required shirt. Logos, designs, and/or writing must not be transparent through the uniform
- Shirts must be tucked in at all times. Shirts must fit properly, not be oversized, tight and/or revealing.
High School - Solid Gray or White
Middle School - Solid Navy Blue or Black
- The only outerwear that is permitted in the classroom is a sweatshirt
- Sweatshirts may not have pockets, hoods, zippers, buttons, or logos
- Sweatshirts must be worn over the required shirt with collar visible
- Pants must be business casual in style (i.e. Original Dockers or Dickie style). No denim or jean style pants.
- Pants must fit properly, be worn at the waist (not below) and may not be tight, revealing, sagging or baggy.
- All pants pockets must be able to be pulled inside out. Additional pockets from the standard four (two front and two back) must be sewn shut.
- Pants must be hemmed or cuffed.
- No additional clothing may be worn under the required pants (NO basketball shorts, tights, pajama pants, long johns, leggings, etc.)
- A belt must always be worn, must be appropriately sized and must pass through all belt loops.
- Belts must be free of brads and decorative buckles (no symbols or zippers)
- Students must wear athletic/tennis shoes
- Tennis shoes must be free of inappropriate graphics/writing/designs
- Socks are required and must be free of inappropriate designs
- Purses, wallets, make-up bags, book bags, and backpacks are not allowed
- Students may not wear or bring to school, sunglasses, cosmetic contacts, or gloves
- Students must wear their school ID on an approved lanyard.
- Plastic or cloth jewelry only is permitted. Students must be able to successfully pass through the metal detector without alarm each morning.
- Makeup, perfume, and chapstick/lip balm cannot be brought to school. Items will be thrown away.
- Students’ hair must be non-distracting
- No ornamental hair accessories (i.e. hair bows, scarves, ribbons, barrettes, extensions with metal )
- Tattoos that are gang-related, offensive or distracting or that distract from or interfere with the learning environment of the school must be covered at all times.
- Cell phones (including smart watches) are not permitted.
All other rules and regulations as defined by the CFISD Dress/Grooming Guidelines apply. For a student to receive daily credit towards exiting the ALC/SAC program, he or she must be following the dress code.
Economic Assistance: Students, who are economically disadvantaged and unable to comply with the dress requirements because of an economic hardship, may qualify for clothing assistance. Please contact an administrator for additional information.
Exemption Requests: Parents may request an exemption to the dress guidelines for a bona fide religious or philosophical reason. The objection must be submitted in writing to the principal for consideration.